My dad gave me some great advice when I was young — “Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD do something” — and this is one of those situations. Yes you can use MVC points towards the purchase of WDW tickets. But it not a good value of your points. Let me explain what it means if you do this.
First, you must have a reservation for at least one night at one of the Orlando MVC properties. No problem with this, as if you are going to WDW, this is a great way to use your MVC points. Then, through the concierge at the property, you can arrange to have your MVC points deducted towards paying for your WDW ticket. The ratio is 325 MVC points to $110. That dollar amount doesn’t change — it goes towards whatever type of ticket you are purchasing. The price for 1-day at WDW is $109 plus tax. Basically it takes 325 MVC for 1-day pass to WDW for one person.
What is 325 MVC worth? You could reserve a 1-bedroom villa at the Marriott Grande Vista for TWO nights with 325 MVC points. Or you could pay $312 to reserve the same villa. Worth much more than $110 WDW 1-day pass for one person.
The only scenario I can think of that would justify using this feature would be that you have points that are expiring and you have no desire to reserve them on a resort — and honestly, I can’t imagine that scenario realistically. HA HA!!
I have 2000 mvc points expiring 2-28-21. Best suggestions for using some or all before they expire. Your comments or ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you so much
I’m not sure which kind of “expiring” points you are referring to. I’m guessing you must travel or use them somehow BEFORE 2/28/21. In that case, you only have a few options that I am aware of if you’re not traveling. You can’t use them as Resort credits for food, etc. or even Ticket credits for parks, etc. because those credits must be used in conjunction with a reservation.
But you can use them for Travel Insurance. I posted about it in this article: https://maxingmarriott.com/2020/11/11/something-to-consider-if-you-have-expiring-mvp-points-or-holding-points/. (call them 888.682.4862 and ask about it.)
If it were me, I would definitely consider buying airline tickets with them. I’ve never done it, but I think it’s a great option. You call the same number to have them help you with that (888.682.4862). If you have any inkling to fly anywhere, this would be something to save you some money and not let the points go to waste. You can use them to pay for airfare — economy, business, or first-class — whatever airline you want. Pay for the entire airfare with points or use a combination of points and cash.
There might be some other options for you to consider, but those the only two that I am aware of where you actually USE your points before the 28th. You could ask them when you call if they have other suggestions to verify. And let me know what you end up doing. I really hope you can use them in a way that helps you out in your future travels.
Good luck!!