When making a reservation at Marco Island today, I noticed a number of subtle changes to the website. Fortunately, it was a good experience, but I still had to call Owner Services to get some things done. Lots of owners are reporting problems and frustrations in using the new MVC Website. Here is what I know.
First the Good
The more I use the new website, the more subtle changes I see. One “not-so-subtle” change is the speed of obtaining the information — it’s faster! I don’t notice it so much on typical searches. But when looking at Destination Escapes as an example, it’s MUCH faster giving me the results and I LIKE IT!!
Minor format changes have been made. If you’ve gone to the website, I’m sure you will notice. Things such as listing the Room Types, with a link to describe what the room type entails for each option, is now available. The resort results showing availabilities is in a different format, and includes a picture of the resort for each one listed. — again much faster getting the results. All good things!
Some Weird Observations!
I didn’t put this in Good or Bad — just weird. Check out this screen:

I was checking availability for a resort in July 2022 — within the 60-day discount window. There was availability for July 2nd, with VCPs required starting at 839 — not 840!! When doing the calculation to provide the 60-day discount, the result wasn’t rounded. I’m hoping this changes. I prefer more standard point options — not 839 or 1221 or 3097. Stay with the rounded numbers!!
Now For the Bad!

The worst part of the new website is its unreliability. It’s been going on for almost a week — works great, now doesn’t work, now freezes, now works great. If you get caught up in one of those times when the website isn’t working for you, I recommend you do a couple of things.
First, try the chat function. It works great if there isn’t a long queue. When you are asked what type of help you want, type in “advisor” and forego the automated tips they provide.
Second, try and call Owner Services and talk to an advisor. I haven’t had to wait more than a few minutes, and usually talk directly to an advisor with no wait, even within the last week. The advisors are working extra hard during this transition, so be extra kind and patient with them.
Third, I recommend you keep copious notes of what transactions you are making, — especially reservations you make or cancel by recording the confirmation numbers and not just wait for the emails. Some emails have been slower in coming and I received one erroneously after the reservation had been canceled hours before.
Fourth, be patient. Some owners are reporting that their available MVC points are incorrect, upcoming reservations aren’t showing online, reservations aren’t syncing with their Bonvoy account. These are all temporary nuisances that aren’t really as they appear. They will eventually be fixed, but it is unnerving seeing your MVC points or reservations incorrect on their website.
We’ve got another month before the Sheraton/Westin/Vistana properties appear online. I’m guessing it will be more of the same — good and bad — for a while! Hang in there!!