I mentioned before that this is our favorite resort when we take the family. There is so much to do for EVERYONE. I’m not going to go into detail on everything, but will highlight a few things you might not know about if you aren’t a regular guest here.

Of course, the pools are a central activity for everyone. The pools are AWESOME — and our little ones lived at the Tide Pool. This was added about 2-3 years ago, but with COVID, you may not be aware of it. There was such a large area they could always touch the bottom of the pool. The loved the beach entry, and would run and splash and fall and laugh. The splash pad has two slides and water pouring down out of big buckets, which is fun to stand underneath them and getting even wetter, if that is possible. The main pool is amazing, and we would usually go there in the afternoon so we could buy our smoothies and snacks.

The playground was our “go to” activity while dinner was being prepared. Sometimes they would go up the nearby stairs and play in the sandbox or just run down the hill. It’s great to let them run around and climb and get more wiggles out.

Of coarse the beach is a must-do activity while staying at Newport. The kids especially liked searching for crabs on the rocks which are just left of the Beachcomber restaurant. Or go up the steps in the back of the Beachcomber restaurant to the Shake Shack — best shakes around. But be prepared for a long line, no matter what time of day. The view is nice while you wait. Getting to the beach is so fun for the little kids on the trolley that runs continuously throughout the day. Information on how to get to the beach with lots of gear for free is on this previous post https://maxingmarriott.com/2021/08/05/getting-settled-in-at-newport-coast-villas/ .

Another fun activity to do in the evening is to make s’mores. The giant round firepits near the sand volleyball or sandbox are too large for the little kids to cook their marshmallows. But the firepits at the Tide Pool are perfect, and there are tables and chairs for everyone to assemble their treats.

This resort has a nice sandbox (another favorite activity while dinner was being prepared), basketball, tennis, sand volleyball, tetherball, a putting green, the “shack” with a pool table, and ping-pong tables. And the Children’s Center isn’t even currently open. When it is open, that adds TONS of activities to the list!