Concerts are the major types of events added for Owner Events during January 2023. Five of the eight NEW Owner Events added were concerts — Jimmy Buffett in Vegas, (more about this is following), Carrie Underwood in Vegas, Keith Urban in Vegas, Shania Twain in New York, and PINK in Vegas. There was one Stage Show added in — you guessed it — Vegas, a Music Festival experience added in Palm Desert, CA (the first Owner Event here since COVID!!), and a Broadway Show in Orlando, FL.
The overall BEST Value Owner Event continues to be “Steak Out!” Las Vegas for only 1200 Club Points with a Retail Value of $2756 or a value of $2.30 per Club Point. You can reserve that experience that is held on Mar 28-31, 2023 and stay at the Grand Chateau for 3 nights and not only enjoy the amazing steak you eat, but feel really good about the deal you got!!!
The best NEW Owner Event ADDED was Jimmy Buffett in Vegas for March 10-13, 2023. Stay at the Grand Chateau in Vegas for 3 nights, enjoy dinner at a Brazilian restaurant, have a helicopter tour of Vegas at night, and the Jimmy Buffett concert. It takes 1950 Club Points, and has a retail price of $2556 for a point value of $1.31. But before you call to make this reservation, know that the OTHER Jimmy Buffett Owner Event listed has BETTER VALUE than this one. The differences — the date is a week earlier, checking in Mar 3 for FOUR nights instead of three. You also will receive $250 towards an additional steak dinner at one of six restaurants of your choice. The Club Points required for this March 3rd Jimmy Buffett concert is more — 2600 Club Points, compared to 1950 of the March 10th concert. But the Retail Cost is $3606, making the VALUE $1.39. This isn’t a HUGE difference, but be aware of it if Jimmy Buffett is on your short list of “I Want To Do That”!!!
The next best value Owner Event added was Carrie Underwood in concert in Vegas June 23-26 or June 30-July 3, 2023 for 3 nights. It takes 3300 Club Points. The retail cost is $3977 for a Point Value of $1.21. Both the Jimmy Buffett concert and the Carrie Underwood concert are in the top 12 for value of all the Owner Events currently.
To see all current Owner events, you can check out my link below that lists them all in order of value. It also includes a direct link for each event that you can go to and learn more about it. Remember that these Owner Events have a different cancellation policy, so be aware of those rules. And a 90-minute Sales Presentation is required for all Owners, so plan on that during your stay.
Is there a way to book these online?
No. You must call Owner Services to book these. And again, make sure you understand the cancellation policy and don’t miss the Sales Presentation. If you miss that, they charge you $1000.
Do ALL Owner events ALWAYS have a 90-minute Sales Presentation? Is that for all ownership levels?
ALL Owner events ALWAYS require a 90-minute sales presentation, regardless of ownership level. If you don’t attend the owner event, you are fined significantly. The ones I have attended are usually more low-key, but definitely a sales meeting.