Destination Escapes were posted this week, and there are some KILLER deals!!! Before I get to the details, let me remind you that these typically go fast. Having said that, I recommend only using HOLDING points to reserve Destination Escapes, because if you cancel the reservation, your points will be returned to you in holding points. If you have some Holding Points you are trying to use before they expire in 2023, this is the PERFECT way to get GREAT value for them!! For a Guest Room it only takes 180 Club Points in a Guest Room for 3 nights!!
Marriott announced 5 properties for January and February Destination Escapes — with much more availability for January than February. So far, none of the resorts are Vistana properties, but hopefully in the future, they will be included. Cypress Harbour in Orlando, Grand Chateau in Vegas, SurfWatch in Hilton Head, Shadow Ridge — Enclaves in Palm Desert, and Timber Lodge in South Tahoe are the resorts included in the list.
The BEST DEAL — you might want to sit down for this — Grand Chateau! Check in on January 20, 25, 26, or 27 in a Guest room for 4 nights and it will only take only 240 points with Destination Escapes. The same room, same date with normal reservations — 1190 Club Points. That is NOT a typo. You save 80% using Destination Escapes!!!!! And that is including the discount you receive for reserving within the 60-day window. INCREDIBLE DEAL!! Best days to stay at the Grand Chateau using Destination Escapes to max your value is January 20-27. And you get better value overall by staying in a Guest Room vs a 1-bedroom. But both will save you points, and I love the extra room, so no finger pointing from me if you go with the 1-bedroom even if it isn’t as good of a killer deal.
Next BEST DEAL property is Timber Lodge. To stay in a Guest Room for 4 nights you would only pay 240 Club Points (same as at Grand Chateau), but it would normally take 822 Club Points for a 71% savings — if you check in on January 24th. Considering you are staying AT the Heavenly Gondola for skiing, this is an incredible deal for skiers. The Guest Room is a better value, but you still get over 40% discount in a 1-bedroom.
Third, and another GREAT DEAL is Shadow Ridge – Enclaves — a great resort to stay at in January where the weather is great for golfers. Again, staying in a Guest room for 4 nights it would take 240 Club Points compared to 663 Club Points under normal reservations if you check in on January 31st — giving you a savings of 64%! No 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom options are available under Destination Escapes for this resort.
Cypress Harbour gives you 51% savings if you check in on a Thursday or Friday. All villas at this resort are 2-bedrooms, and staying 3-nights maxes the value, but you get around 44-33% discount for 4 or 7 nights respectively.
What you DO NOT WANT TO DO is reserve Marriott’s SurfWatch in Hilton Head using Destination Escapes. You actually use MORE points with Destination Escapes than with normal reservations, for both the 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom options available. For a 2-bedroom, you would at least 60 points more. And for a 3-bedroom you would use up to 260 more Club Points. Not a good use of your ownership for sure.
Three good features of reserving Destination Escapes — First and foremost is it’s the BEST way to use Holding Points. Second, you aren’t required to go to a Sales Presentation. And third — you can cancel within a few days and get all your points back — returned to you as holding points.
Look at your calendar and see if you dates for you. They are listed under the Destinations tab on the home page
Hi Shanna. I am from the Westin side. Where do you go to find these deals and when are they posted?
Susan, These deals are on the Marriott Vacation website. I’m thinking when you go to reserve through Abound you are linked to this?? I’m not sure?? Log in and on the top menu line under ‘Destinations’ they are listed as ‘Marriott Vacation Club Destination Escapes’.
If you don’t see it through your side, let me know and I’ll contact Marriott directly and ask them for you. Good luck!!!
What are “holding points?”
Holding points are either Elected or Trust points that were used for a reservations and then canceled within 60 days of the travel date. They expire by the end of the year, and can only be used for reservations to travel within 60 days. Destination Escapes MAX’s use of these, or short getaways that you can decide to travel to in a short period of time.